Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies

Tineka Scalzo

WGSS Coordinator

The GWSS Designation is a collection of courses that provide students the opportunity to engage in academic scholarship that focuses on intersectional equity, inclusion, and social justice for all people.

GWSS Designation Mission

The Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies (GWSS ) Designation seeks to radically improve equity and social justice for all people by analyzing and interrogating ideology, power structures, and oppression through intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ lenses. The program applies an intersectional, interdisciplinary, and inclusive framework to its coursework, pedagogy, and praxis; values diverse modes of intellectual development and knowledge generation; and promotes community development through education, art, dialogue, service, activism, and engagement.​        

GWSS Designation Goals 

The goals of the GWSS Designation are to: 

♀  ​   Equip students with knowledge and skills from an intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ perspective to radically improve equity and social justice for all people

♀     Foster a culture of regular, meaningful civic engagement grounded in an intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ research and theory

♀     Provide active learning opportunities that are grounded in intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ pedagogies

♀     Introduce academic intersectional feminist and queer discourses on the construction of sex, gender, and sexual orientation and the consequences of those constructions                                      

♀     Analyze and interrogate ideology, power structures, and oppression through intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ lenses  

GWSS Program Learning Outcomes

Students earning the GWSS designation will be able to:                                       

  1. Communicate intersectional feminist and queer concepts through writing, speech, and/or visual media 
  2. Apply intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ ideas to diverse contexts
  3. Analyze systems of privilege and oppression using intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ lenses
  4. Connect intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ concepts across disciplines and historical periods 
  5. Perform praxis grounded in intersectional feminist and LGBTQ+ frame