Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do we own current textbooks?

    The library does not buy textbooks, however we have some textbooks on reserve. Ask at the circulation desk.

  • Do I need a library card to check out books?

    Yes, your student I.D. is your library card, and is required to check out books.

  • Can I access the library database from home?

    Yes, if you are a current student you can access the library databases any you have internet access. You will be prompted to enter your CCC credentials you use to access Blackboard,, and your school email account.

  • How many books can I check out?

    There is a limit of 5 books.

  • Can I use the computers in the library?

    Yes, if you are searching the online catalog and databases for class research.

  • Can I use my I.D. as a print card?

    Yes, only at computers. Copy machines require exact change.

  • How do I get my printouts?

    Use the print management system located near the copy center.

  • Can I borrow books from other City Colleges?

    Yes, with your student I.D.

  • Can I renew my library books?

    Yes, books may be renewed in person or via phone at (773) 481-8400.