Wright College Transition Team

The Wright College Transition team supports upper-level Adult Education, Career Bridge, and Gateway students throughout their educational growth. Our team’s strength comes from its ability to connect students to relevant resources and people.   
Who should meet with the Transition Team?      
Everyone is welcome to speak with the transition team at Wright College.   
What can the Transition Team help with?      
The Transition Team can help you:      
  1. ​Register for Adult Education​ courses aimed at helping you prepare for college-level classes.    
  2. Explore our GATEWAY Program. Gateway is a Scholarship for adult education students taking credit courses.
  3. Enroll in our free Healthcare Bridge Program and earn a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certificate while completing your high school equivalency courses.     


Who is my Transition Specialist?  
Camilo Rasquin is the transition specialist at Wright College and the Humboldt Park Vocational Education Center.   
Camilo Rasquin’s schedule:  
Monday- Friday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm  
What if I just have a quick question?  
Email your transition specialist to set up a meeting on Zoom or in person crasquin@ccc.edu  
Or call 773-481-8647 (During office hours)     
Walk-ins welcome during office hours. Adult Education office: Room A205