Wright College Humboldt Park

Yeisha Betancourt-Ruiz


Wright College Humboldt Park offers several programs of study, including college credit, Adult Education, and Continuing Education Programs.

History and Vision

The history of Wright College Humboldt Park location goes back to 1982 when the City Colleges of Chicago Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor to identify an appropriate location for an adult learning center in the Humboldt Park community. After numerous meetings with community leaders, and working with the City of Chicago Public Building Commission, a site for the new facility was acquired in 1989.

Wright College-Humboldt Park offers programming and opportunities for academic, professional, and personal development through:
  • Adult Education—English as a Second Language (ESL), High School EquivalencyGED® preparation, Citizenship, Digital Literacy/Computer Skills, Healthcare Bridge
  • Certificate Programs in Career and Technical Education
  • Credit Courses towards an Associate Degree or transfer to a 4-year institution
  • Reskilling, upskilling, and workforce development


Class Schedule

College Credit Classes

Search for classes – choose the college of your choice

Adult Education 

Search for English As a Second Language or High School Classes – choose the college of your choice

​Continuing Education-Personal or Professional Development

​​​​​​​​​​ For more information on the programs available at Wright College Humboldt Park, please contact (773) 481-8300 or email us at hpwrightcollege@ccc.edu


Faculty and Staff

Wright College Humboldt Park Directory HP Staff Directory.12.22.pdf