Tutoring at Truman College

The Academic Support Centers at Truman College are now offering both in-person and remote tutoring in all areas.
Scheduling an Appointment
You can make an appointment with any of our Centers when you:
When making an appointment, please have the following information ready:
- Your name
- Your CCC student ID number
- The course you are in
- What you want to work on with your tutor
Didn’t make an appointment but still need help?
Stop by! We may have a tutor available for you.
In-Person Appointments on Campus
For all in-person appointments, you and your tutor will be required to follow all current CCC Covid safety measures for the whole tutoring session.
Remote Appointments on Zoom
For all remote appointments, you must be logged in to Zoom using your CCC username and password. Please watch this video, read the "Zoom Sign in Guide" below, or contact us at trasc@ccc.edu if you are having problems with this step.
Zoom Sign in Guide: Zoom Single Sign On Instructions.pdf