OHC HLC Self Study Timeline
November 2018
- OHC HLC Criterion Team Kick Off
January 2019
- Steering Committee Meeting
February 2019
- All College Meeting: Steering Committee and Criterion Team Updates
- OHC Mission Statement Relevance/Awareness Survey
- HLC Awareness Event: Meet & Greet with President Emeritus Clyde El-Amin
March 2019
- Steering Committee Meeting
- All College Meeting: Steering Committee and Criterion Team Updates
- HLC Prep Sessions (phase 1)
April 2019
- Steering Committee Meeting
- HLC Prep Sessions (phase 1)
May 2019
- Assurance Argument draft 1 due. Draft is compiled and distributed for all college review.
- HLC Prep Sessions (phase 1)
June 2019
- OHC New Mission Statement Adoption (Board Approval)
- HLC Prep Sessions (phase 1)
July 2019
- HLC Prep Sessions (phase 1)
- College-wide website review (phase 1)
August 2019
- HLC Awareness Activity: Distribution of HLC 2020 marketing
- Assurance Argument Draft 1: All college feedback due
- HLC Prep Sessions (phase 1)
- College-wide website review (phase 1)
September 2019
- Quality Initiative Submission
- Steering Committee Meeting
- All College Meeting: Steering Committee and Criterion Team Updates
- Federal Compliance Report Draft 1 feedback due
- College-wide website review (phase 1)
October 2019
- Steering Committee Meeting
- All College Meeting: Steering Committee and Criterion Team Updates
- College-wide website review (phase 2)
November 2019
- Mock Site Visit #1
- Assurance Argument draft 2 due. Draft is compiled and distributed for all college review.
- Faculty Credential Review
- College-wide website review (phase 2)
December 2019
- All College Meeting: Steering Committee and Criterion Team Updates
- Steering Committee Meeting
- Mock Site Visit #1 Feedback Report provided to President and Steering Committee
- Federal Compliance Report draft 2 due
Spring 2020:
- OHC New Mission Awareness Activities
- Faculty Credential Review
- OHC Beautification Committee Activities
- HLC Conducts Student Opinion Survey
January 2020
- Federal Compliance Report Draft 2 feedback due
- Assurance Argument Draft 2: All college feedback due
- Criterion Team Co Chair Re-Confirm Roles and Charter
February 2020
- Steering Committee Meeting
March 2020
- Steering Committee Meeting
April 2020
- Steering Committee Meeting
- Assurance Argument draft 3 due. Draft is compiled and distributed for all college review.
- Mock Site Visit #2 is completed
May 2020
- Steering Committee Meeting
- Mock Site Visit #2 Feedback Report provided to President and Steering Committee
June 2020
- Assurance Argument Draft 3: All college feedback due
Fall 2020
- College Leadership Mock Session
- HLC retreat
August 2020
- Assurance Argument draft 4 Due (One Voice Team)
September 2020
- College president reviews final draft of Assurance ArgumentPrepare Peer Review Site Visit Agenda
October 2020
- Final Report Submitted to HLC (Assurance Argument and Federal Compliance Report)
- Provost and Deputy Provost reviews final draft of Assurance Argument
- Final draft and site visit prep for the BOT and Chancellor
- Prepare Peer Review Site Visit Agenda
November 2020
- HLC Comprehensive Site Visit (November 16-17)