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1. What classes do you offer ?
We offer classes in:
- Spanish GED
- Computer Skills
- Citizenship
- Career Bridge. Visit the Career Bridge site to see current career choices.
2. How much do your classes cost ?
All Adult Education classes are free.
3. How long are your classes ?
We offer 16, and 8-week classes in the fall and spring, and 12 week classes in the summer semesters. Click here to view the Academic Calendar for more information.
4. Are any classes offered as hybrid courses ?
Yes. Students have the option to take traditional hybrid classes, when part of the class meets in-person and the other class meets online. Additionally, we have Hybrid-Online Live classes that are completely online, with synchronous instruction through Zoom and some independent work through Brightspace or myOpenMath.
5. Am I eligible to take ESL/HSE prep classes ?
You must be an Illinois resident to take Adult Education classes. We accept all visas except the J1, J2, F1, or F2 visa.
6. Where can I take ESL/HSE classes ?
Adult Education classes will be offered both in-person and as online. You will indicate your preference for distance learning or in-person classes as part of the enrollment process.
7. How do I register for classes ?
New students to Adult Education should complete the Adult Ed online application or visit the Adult Education office at your college.
If you need help with your application, our offices are open for in-person support or you can visit Virtual Student Services. You can click on your college to contact the Adult Education department directly or find general assistance via the live chat.
If you are a returning student, you can visit the Adult Education office at your college or send an email to your college’s Adult Education staff:
- DaleyAdultEd@ccc.edu
- OHAdultEd@ccc.edu
- KKAdultEd@ccc.edu
- MXAdultEd@ccc.edu
- TrumanAdultEd@ccc.edu
- WrightAdultEd@ccc.edu
8. What do I need to do to earn my high school equivalency certificate (GED® or HiSET®) ?
You must pass the four official sections of the GED® test:
- Science
- Social Studies
- Math
- Language Arts (Reading / Writing)
You must pass the five official sections of the HiSET® test:
- Math
- Science
- English
- Social Studies
- Writing
For more information about taking the GED/HiSET, visit GED Testing Resources
9. How long will it take me to get my high school equivalency certificate (GED® or HiSET®) ?
It depends on your previous years of schooling and how much time you can devote to preparing for your high school equivalency test.
Get started by completing an online application here: Adult Ed Application. Once you apply you will complete a brief online placement survey, and then you will choose your distance learning classes.
10. How do I sign up to take my high school equivalency (GED® or HiSET®) tests ?
The official GED® or HiSET® exams are given at approved Illinois testing sites. GED® and HiSET® tests are also offered online.
For more information about taking the GED/HiSET, visit GED Testing Resources
11. Can I take a high school equivalency (GED® or HiSET®) preparation course online? Can I take a high school equivalency (GED® or HiSET®) preparation course online ?
Yes, high school equivalency preparation courses are offered in-person, online, and hybrid (50% online and 50% in-person). Additionally, we offer i-Pathways, an online GED® preparation class with over 200 lessons designed to help you earn your high school equivalency degree. You must have access to a computer, take a placement test and receive scores that make you eligible for the online course (TABE of 9.0 in Reading and 6.0 in Math).
12. Can I take college credit classes while enrolled in ESL/HSE classes ?
Yes, students are able to co-enroll in Adult Education classes and college credit classes through the Career Bridge program. Additionally, students who complete Adult Education classes are eligible for the Gateway Program, which allows you to take college credit classes for up to four terms at half price.
13. I have taken college-level courses in another country. Can I receive credit for prior classwork ?
Yes, you may receive credit for qualifying prior classwork. College credits and educational credentials such as transcripts, diplomas, or certificates earned at the secondary or post-secondary levels outside of the United States must be evaluated by our credit admissions team to determine whether they are eligible to be transferred for credit.
14. What do I do if I lost my Illinois High School Equivalency Certificate ?
Contact the Cook County High School Equivalency Records Office at ICCB.CookHSE@Illinois.gov